Tum tee tum

Tum tee tum

Firstly, I have added a new Blender image to the gallery. It was the result of me fiddling with Blender for an hour or so. It also includes some raytracing which is in the pre-release build of Blender. Remember that I am not a great artist though – this was my...


The weekend is over and we had a great time. Our mock chrismas day went well and everyone had a lot of fun and ate well. We played the post it note on the head game, pictionary, told crap jokes and generally had a good time together. Today (sunday) I had a band...
Chrismas time…

Chrismas time…

Today is our mock chrismas day. This has been a tradition since the start of university, and we all meet up, buy each other a present (we pick names out of the hat to keep it secret), and we eat a quite extroadenary amount of food. There are nine of us today, and I am...
Orange tip

Orange tip

Wow, I just got back from Karate and in tonight’s session I got an Orange Tip. An orange tip is like the middle point between yellow belt and orange belt, and I certainly was not expecting it. I am pretty chuffed as I have been knackered all week and I...
Tum tee tum

Blended beyond belief

Well it seems that cloth support has been built into Blender, and it also seems that raytracing may have been added over the last few days. I think this raytraing support links in with the Yafray raytracer, and Yafray has produced some amazing results. This all...