Open Source for Shareware Developers

Open Source for Shareware Developers

[Patrick](, I am certainly going to have to pick a copy of that book up. One thing that has continually irked me is the utterly meaningless language of many parts of the IT industry. When...
Building the Perfect Audio Editor

Building the Perfect Audio Editor

In the past, I have gone into quite some detail about why I believe that the current crop of Linux multi-trackers are not up to the job for both recording my own music and recording [LUGRadio]( To remedy this, Aq and I sat down for a few...
Schools and Communities

Schools and Communities

Got up early today to head off to iCentrum to do a talk on VoIP. Good turnout and the response was very positive. At OpenAdvantage we have a couple of specific subjects that people seem to go nuts about, and it seems that VoIP is delving into that list. After we got...
Are you a wintroll sheep?

Are you a wintroll sheep?

Well, the [MythTV controversy continues to rumble on](, with opinion on mythtv-dev much more divided as a number of people have stepped forward and identified with the various issues I raised. I am also pleased...