UDS Community Wotsits

UDS Community Wotsits

The UDS mob. [Original photo](https://www.flickr.com/photos/kwwii/496835232/) by Ken. Well, its over. A trip to beautiful Seville which encompassed the Ubuntu Education Summit, the Ubucon Seville and the Ubuntu Developer Summit. It was an intense week and a half, and...
In full swing

In full swing

Kick arse. *Kick arse*. Those are the only ways to describe the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Here we are in Seville having a blast and getting some really productive work done. I have actually been here since Wednesday for the Ubuntu Education Summit and the Ubucon, and...
Pam’s People

Pam’s People

Sooz and her BBC cronies are doing a fun run for charity which was inspired by Pam Beckett, who was unfortunately taken from all of us a few months back in a road accident. Its a great cause and worth any spare money that you would ordinarily go and spend on beer or...
J.B. Loves Beard

J.B. Loves Beard

Haha, it seems that someone has been kind enough to create fake LiveJournal accounts for [myself](https://ilovemybeard.livejournal.com/) and [Aq](https://gingalingling.livejournal.com/). No idea who is behind it, but should be fun. Never been the subject of satire...
LRL07 Buttons

LRL07 Buttons

Get all your LugRadio Live news and updates from the LugRadio Live Latest News Blog! So, ou are coming to [LUGRadio Live 2007](https://www.lugradio.org/live/) as a vistor, speaker, exhibitor, crew member or otherwise *and* you have a website. Hmm, what an interesting...