Natty Community Team Plans

Natty Community Team Plans

With every cycle, part of my responsibility is to understand the needs of the Ubuntu community, understand the needs of some of the key stakeholders to my team, and to plan what the team will work on throughout the next cycle. Recently I have been asking the team...
Reasons Why I Love My Desktop

Reasons Why I Love My Desktop

I remember when I first got involved in Linux and Free Software, the Linux desktop was a pretty ugly place. Much of the reason for this was that getting a graphical display running was in itself a bit of a luxury, and one earned with lots of config file hacking and...
Natty Community Team Plans

A Little More OpenRespect

Another quick update. The [website]( now has a little more content, I have started adding some [support resources for dealing with conflict and disrespect](, and you can help spread the word that OpenRespect...