Global positioning sucker

Global positioning sucker

I stayed up pretty late last night trying to patch the Orinoco driver so it can slip into monitoring mode. It turns out that the version in 2.6.8 is 0.13a and version 0.15 has the interesting monitoring code in it. Anyway, dragorn from Kismet hacked together a patch...
Wireless abstraction rooms

Wireless abstraction rooms

Got up early today and started writing up some SuperDisc pages for PC Plus magazine. This kind of work is always interesting because I often get to see a broad subset of quality from different vendors. This is no Microsoft, Adobe, Macromedia or other big name...
Combusting in the oval office

Combusting in the oval office

Recently, I have been reading Alan Cooper’s The Inmates Are Running the Asylum, and it is quite evident that although Cooper has worked in software and usability for 25 years, he has a bit of a hatred towards the familiar box of circuitry that most of us use....


Well, I just wrote an article about some things that were knocking around in my head for a while. The result of my key tapping has been shoved onto my O’Reilly Blog in the form of Dumbing down the decision. Anyone who is familiar with UK loans adverts will...


Things seem to be going pretty good at the moment – got some articles sent off and I am finishing up some other bits and bobs. I went over to Birmingham yesterday to meet with Exposed Magazine to start a new column with them on the local metal scene. I submit my...