GTK and Hula

GTK and Hula

Last night I hacked my site some more, fixed a long running problem I have had with HTML_QuickForm and made some progress. The new incarnation of the site will feature a ratings system for songs and support comments on songs. Today we bought the largest bag of dog...
The bind

The bind

Thanks for the interesting comments about the vim shenanigans. I am aware that ubuntu-base is a meta-package for the essential bits and bobs in Ubuntu, but I find it unusual that vim is in there by default on a distribution so focused on the GUI. As for the suggestion...


Finished up the PHP and MySQL course today and the feedback was good. I enjoyed this one – the group was enthusiastic, fun and encouraged each other. The other day I saw PIDA and I am quite intrigued by it. Before the course started this morning, I was chatting...

Teacher teacher

Today I was teaching seven people the relative joys of PHP and MySQL. They are a good group and it is a joy to see people getting excited about Open Source. There is a particular moment when all the different pieces just fit together and the student knows exactly how...
Cup of dog?

Cup of dog?

Worked from home today as we were having a fence built because some scrote was wandering past our house and decided to have a crack at kicking our fence in. The pathetic excuse for an individual knocked one fence panel down. Our fence was pretty flimsy anyway, so we...