26 Today

26 Today

Wow, 26 years old. This one crept around a bit quicker than usual; I think this happens when you start the process of old-fartification. The mystery present from Sooz was a suberb VoIP phone. Sooz always gets me cool presents – I had not been asking for a VoIP...
Make it better

Make it better

Kat, I do think formalised education does have a place, but I think your comments are really taking about the huge benefits of mentoring. I am a big fan of mentoring, and anyone who was lucky enough to have a good lecturer benefits greatly working with an...
Can it be done?

Can it be done?

Good night last night. Luckily woke up this morning without too much of a hangover. Props to Ron for a great talk about Asterisk. 🙂 Donald Norman speaks the truth. I am also getting a little tired of the fanfare pushed towards Google regarding usability. There is no...


This morning I did a presentation about building dynamic websites with the LAMP platform. The seminar was well attended and the response was positive. We also managed to unload a load of Ubuntu Hoary CDs onto the unwitting delegates. One of the slides in the...
Office 12 Usability

Office 12 Usability

Seems to be an interesting day for usability. With the unveiling of the Office 12 interface, its balance of aesthetics and usability seems rather contrived. Taking a look at the shots, it seems like a step back in usability in some areas. Take a look at the following...