Google Home: An Insight Into a 4-Year-Old’s Mind

by | Thu 18 May 2017

Recently I got a Google Home (thanks to Google for the kind gift). Last week I recorded a quick video of me interrogating it:

Well, tonight I nipped upstairs quickly to go and grab something and as I came back downstairs I heard Jack, our vivacious 4-year-old asking it questions, seemingly not expecting daddy to be listening.

This is when I discovered the wild curiosity in a 4-year-old’s mind. It included such size and weight questions as…

OK Google, how big is the biggest teddy bear?


OK Google, how much does my foot weigh?

…to curiosities about physics…

OK Google, can chickens fly faster than space rockets?

…to queries about his family…

OK Google, is daddy a mommy?

…and while asking this question he interrupted Google’s denial of an answer with…

OK Google, has daddy eaten a giant football?

Jack then switched gears a little bit, out of likely frustration that Google seemed to “not have an answer for that yet” to all of his questions, and figured the more confusing the question, the more likely that talking thing in the kitchen would work:

OK Google, does a guitar make a hggghghghgghgghggghghg sound?

Google was predictably stumped with the answer. So, in classic Jack fashion, the retort was:

OK Google, banana peel.

While this may seem random, it isn’t:

I would love to see the world through his eyes, it must be glorious.

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