I know many of my readers here are Ubuntu fans and I wanted to let you know of something neat.
For just over a year now I have been doing a podcast with Stuart Langridge, Bryan Lunduke, and Jeremy Garcia. It is a fun, loose, but informative show about Open Source and technology. It is called [Bad Voltage](https://www.badvoltage.org).

Anyway, in the show that was released today, we did an interview with Michael Hall, a community manager over at Canonical (and who used to work for me when I was there).
It is a fun and interesting interview about Ubuntu and phones, release dates, and even sets a challenge to convince Lunduke about the value of scopes on the [Bad Voltage Forum](https://community.badvoltage.org).
Go and [listen to or download the show here](https://www.badvoltage.org/2015/01/08/1×33/) and be sure to share your thoughts on the show in [the community discussion](https://community.badvoltage.org/t/1×33-unambiguous-win-condition/9446).
The show also discusses the Soylent super-food, has predictions for 2015 (one of which involves Canonical), and more!
Finally, Bad Voltage will be doing our first [live performance](https://www.badvoltage.org/live/) at SCALE in Los Angeles on Fri 20th Feb 2015. We hope to see you there!